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Development Environment

Title eGovFrame-3.6.0-64bit Dev Version
Register Admin Date of registration 2017-03-22 Views 2391
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Developing Environment for Developers 32bit / 64bit (Implementation Tool) Full Version is a tool to support developer's code.
It is an IDE and Editor (SourceCode, UML, ERD, DBIO, WebFlow, Code Generation, Code Nexus, SVN), Debug (Local, Remote), Mobile IDE, Batch IDE, and RDT. [Improvement function]
- Apply Eclipse Mars 4.5
- Adding license information to the distribution source
- Fixed bugs in maven
- Improved Depolyment Assembly problem in eGovFrame Batch Template
- Change of copyright and change of icon of Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs
- Added 10 kinds of DeviceAPI - Added eGovFrame Remote Repository
- Execution environment 3.6.0 application (excluding the deployment framework)   
- Current version of rte tool 3.6.0
[How to install]
Execute eGovFrameDev-3.6.0-xxbit.exe file in the directory where you will configure the development environment and unzip it and run eclipse to use the development environment in which all necessary and optional elements are installed.
[Addition 1] After execution of eclipse Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine In case of error, add eclipse installation path> eclipse.ini file to the installation path of your PC's JDK as follows.
(We recommend using the 1.7 / 1.8 version of the JDK, which will not work properly with 1.5 / 1.6.)
C:Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\bin\javaw.exe
[Addition 2]
When creating a project using the template creation wizard, some DML files may be broken. If the above problem occurs, you can change the encoding format of the DML file from UTF-8 to EUC-KR.
* Note: When using DeviceAPI, please refer to the developer's guide below to install additional plug-ins and android-sdk