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eGovFrame Introduction

Provides the brief introduction on the eGovernment Standard Framework.

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Architecture of The eGovernment Standard Framework

Common Components

Common Components is a collection of reusable common modules developed to be commonly used in eGovernment Projects.
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Common Technological Service
run on e-government standard framework
Elementary Technological Service
run on general java runtime environment
240 common components were defined and developed for 136 common technological services and 104 elementary technological services
Common Components - This table consists of component types, components.
Component Type Component
Common Technological Service (136) User Directory /Authentication (4) General Login, login with authentication token, login policy, etc.
Security (7) Services including authentication, permission administration, encryption/decryption, etc.
Statistics/Reporting (6) Services including Statistics on posting, access, report, etc.
Collaboration (28) Services including Bulletin board, community, directory, etc.
User support (55) Services including user administration, inquiry administration, questionnaire administration, FAQ, Q&A, etc.
System Managements (27) Services including common code management, menu/log administration, institution code, batch management, etc.
System/Service Integration (4) Services including Institution/Interface administration, etc.
Digital Asset Management (5) Services including Knowledge, Knowledge Map, Knowledge Evaluation, etc.
Elementary Technological Services (Common Utilities) (104) Services including calendar, format/calculation/conversion, validity check for format/calculation/conversion , etc.

Mobile Common Components

Mobile Common Components is a collection of reusable common modules for mobile web services, and is implemented by leveraging mobile UX functions.)
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Mobile Common Components - This table provides Component Type, Component.
Component Type Component
Converted from Common Component for web (30) Collaboration (15) services including Bulletin board, community, directory
User directory/authentication (1) General Login
User support (14) services including user administration, inquiry administration, questionnaire administration, FAQ, Q&A
New Mobile Common Component (11) Mobile Common Service (5) Real-time Notificaton Service, Mobiel Chart/Graph, Mobile Photo Album, Sychronize service, Off-line service
Support (3) Offline web service, MMS service connection, OPEN-API Connection Service
Device support (3) Location information connection, Multimedia control, Mobile Device Identification